Search results: protein

A Powerful Nutrition Secret

I do not endorse fad diets. I also do not make a practice of recommending health and wellness habits that are not backed by sound scientific studies and data. However, in my constant quest to help my clients and readers achieve optimal health, I’ll occasionally stumble upon an amazing diet or fitness tidbit that is so interesting […]

A Multi-Vitaminic Decisions

I have a confession to make. I haven’t taken a multi-vitamin in 3 years. Somewhere along the line, I just forgot to pick up my monthly supply at the supermarket.  I felt great.  The next month, I tried the same thing. No pill popping – no loss of energy, no immune system breakdown. Fast forward to now. […]

Exercise & Diet For Your Body Type

Let’s face it – there is no “magic” exercise routine that provides wonderful results to every person who tries it…just like there is no “magic” diet and no “magic” weight loss pill. Humans are like snowflakes, and our biological diversity needs to be taken into account when planning a fitness or nutrition routine. At the […]

How To Get Fat!

So much emphasis these days is placed on the best way to boost the metabolism, gain lean muscle, and avoid fat storage. But what if you wanted the opposite? I’d like to give you some key rules to follow for expanding your waistline. Of course, if you actually want to lose weight, burn fat, and […]

5 Nutritional Myths That Can Change Your Life

We are constantly bombarbed by “cutting-edge” research that often causes dietary confusion. Several years ago, eggs were “bad”, but now they’re “good”; diet soda was a great way to lose weight, but now is correlated with obesity; chicken was considered a lean protein source, but now might be laced with unhealthy hormones. Often it’s enough […]

10 Snacks That Melt Fat

Whether lying awake in bed at night when hunger pangs strike, or at a social gathering where snack plates are circulating, most of us have experienced food cravings that are just too hard to resist. When the time comes to choose your snack, are you prepared to make the right decision? More specifically, are your […]

Lose Weight During a Road Trip!

Before traveling, make sure you pack healthy snacks, including fruits (apples, bananas, etc.), vegetables (sugar snap peas, mini carrots, etc.), good carbohydrates (low-sugar/hi-fiber cereal, whole grain breads, etc), and lean protein (fat-free turkey breast, nuts/legumes, etc.). This will keep you from eating unhealthy airplane food or packaged and sugar-laden convenience store foods. (more…)

5 Fat Burning Tips

I’m going to give you 5 practical tips to turn your body into a fat-burning machine – information that you can take with you and implement on a daily basis, both in and out of the gym or workout environment. Rather than quantify specific amounts, I’ll be giving you some simple ideas. Let’s get right […]

Article Archive

Cardio: Long & Easy or Short & Hard? 5 Fat Burning Tips The 15 Minute Workout 5 MORE Fat Burning Nutritional Tips Functional Training That Gets Results Eat Right for the Holidays Lose Weight During a Road Trip! Extreme Workout Challenge: Clean This! 10 Snacks That Melt Fat Extreme Workout Challenge #2: Body Weight Only! […]