Why Take Astaxanthin and Innate?

Astaxanthin: This is the most powerful antioxidant we’ve ever found, and vastly enhances the effectiveness of fish oil. Fruits, vegetables and food based supplements are all great antioxidant sources. But our bodies are still bombarded and overwhelmed by the damaging effects of free radicals on a daily basis. And the stress of training and racing only add to the overall load. Regardless of fit you are or how well you eat, the free radical battle is one that cannot be won without supplemental support.

Innate Response Formula: This is a foundational multi vitamin and mineral formula, exclusively crafted from 100% whole food nutrients. The vitamins and minerals in each formula do not exist in an isolated state, but within a comprehensive, biodynamic concentrate, and a full spectrum of these improve both the absorption and effectiveness of your Vitamin D and Fish Oil.

The Innate Men’s Multi is crafted exclusively from nutrient-rich whole foods that support and promote the health and vigor of men, and the Women’s is the same, but inludes iron (you’ll have the option to choose Men’s or Women’s version in your shopping cart).

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