Product Description
What if you could squeeze every last drop of excitement and living out of life, and also be healthy on the outside and healthy on the inside? What if you could achieve amazing feats of physical and mental performance without destroying your body and mind?
We call this feeling of achieving your ultimate performance potential “getting revved” – and here is an entire conference with 25 experts to show you how you can do it!
In this package, you’ll get to watch and listen as Ben Greenfield sits down with the world’s leading experts in biohacking, physical performance, mental performance, cognitive enhancement, personal productivity, muscle gain, fat loss and more. In a frank, easy-to-understand, fireside chat format, these experts reveal all their most cutting-edge secrets, and your access to the videos and audios also includes helpful notes, summaries and more.
From Dr. Mercola to Mark Sisson to Nora Gedgaudas, you can check out the lineup below and get access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, forever (no expiration!) once you click here to grab your REV Conference package, which includes interviews and big ideas from the following experts:

Ari Meisel – How To Change Your Life By Getting More Done In Less Time
Big ideas from this session:
- Create very small, achievable intermediate goals instead of big, lofty goals – get “one small win” each day.
- Use virtual assistants, personal assistants and automation websites to get more done in less time – and you don’t have to be rich to do it!
- Use the Pomodoro technique of “interval training” of your tasks, with “25 minutes on-5 minutes off”.
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Evernote,,,,,,,,,, “Less Doing, More Living” book.

Jesse Elder – How To Conquer Your Fears, React Under Stress, and Master Your Life
Big ideas from this session:
- When you see evidence that your training is working, it’s a huge boost. So don’t just train, give yourself a chance to compete, because results beat theory.
- Your life is meant to be lived as fully as your imagination and courage will allow.
- Thoughts create feelings… and feelings are more powerful than most people will ever know.
- Resources mentioned in this interview:

Mark Divine – 6 Ways To Get As Fit As A Navy Seal
Big ideas from this session:
- You should try to do something that scares you at least once a week.
- Durability includes pushing through injuries, even though we’re often told not to – and sometimes it’s OK to keep going when you’ve injured your shoulder, knee or back.
- Stamina and endurance are sorely neglected training areas, and when not done in excess and used strategically, can result in huge fitness boosts.
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Sealfit Training, Unbeatable Mind, Books by Mark Divine, including 8 Weeks To Sealfit

Andy Murphy – How To Use NLP To Beat Food Cravings, Run Faster and Permanently Change Any Bad Habit
Big ideas from this session:
- You can train your unconscious brain to change your habits and actions, but to do so, you must reprogram it.
- One extremely important part of Neurolinguistic Programming is to create a physical anchor.
- You can use NLP for both physical performance and mental performance, but also for self-control and changing habits permanently (including controlling food cravings, as you’ll see in this video)
- Resources mentioned in this interview:, Andy’s other episode with Ben

John Kiefer – Why You Need To Cheat On Your Diet
Big ideas from this session:
- You can cheat every day on your diet if you time your carbohydrates, fats and proteins properly throughout the day.
- Ice cream, alcohol and dark chocolate can each have benefits if you eat them at specific times during the day.
- In moderation, insulin is actually a good hormone that can assist with both muscle gain and fat loss.
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Carb Backloading, Carb Nite,

Kelly Starrett – How To Become A Supple Leopard
Big ideas from this session:
- The worst thing you can do before or after exercise is to sit down.
- The best way to assess why you got injured is to start by assessing hydration, sitting too much, not sleeping enough and things that you may not think have anything to do with the injury itself.
- Skin massage, raking with soup spoon or stick, dry brushing the skin and even keeping a Chinese soup spoon in your bath tub or hot tub for skin therapy is an enormously effective injury prevention tactic.
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Supple Leopard book, Rumble Roller,, Jill Miller Yoga Tune-Up Balls

Michael Neuert – Practical Ways To Protect Yourself From Hidden EMF Killers
Big ideas from this session:
- Popular science believes that the only thing to worry about when it comes to electrical devices is heat, but the signals these devices emit go far above and beyond merely heat.
- There is absolutely no way to truly know, measure and mitigate EMF in your home and work environment unless you use a meter to test.
- You can shield yourself from EMF effectively by taking proper steps – including how your home and office devices are configured.
- The article which shows just how electrochemical your cells really are, Michael’s website, EMF shielding and lower EMF strategies at, The EMF Bootcamp with Michael Neuert

Joe DeSena – Why You Need To Do Hard Things
Big ideas from this session:
- From watching TV in Mandarin Chinese to carrying 70 pound rocks up hills, doing hard things can give you a long, fulfilling life by keeping you from getting soft.
- The mental component of training is just as important as the physical component.
- A good way to build durability is to do a hard, intense workout immediately followed by an easy, long workout.
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Spartan racing, Joe’s book: Spartan Up

Yuri Elkaim – How To Transition Back To Regular Eating From A Detox
Big ideas from this session:
- You can do two to four cleanses per year that coincide with the seasons.
- Cleansing doesn’t require fancy supplements or juices, but can be accomplished 100% with real food.
- If you don’t use it you lose it – and if you completely avoid natural sources of gluten or lactose, you may struggle heavily with them if you ever need to eat them.

Nora Gedgaudas – How To Cool The Brain
Big ideas from this session:
- High blood sugar can cause neural inflammation, and it can happen even on a low carb diet if you are stressed.
- Once you have an immune reaction that affects your brain, you’ll have that immune sensitivity forever.
- Curcumin is an extremely potent anti-inflammatory, which works very well with resveratrol (e.g. organic red wine) and other flavonoids (e.g. dark colored organic vegetables), bioperine (e.g. organic black pepper).
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Cyrex Labs or for gluten and food allergy testing, Adrenal Stress Index, A highly absorbable form of curcumin, Organic black pepper, Smart drugs based on healthy herbs, Nora Gedgaudas’s book

Dr. Joseph Mercola – Inside The Life Of The World’s Top Health Expert
Big ideas from this session:
- You can do 30 second “negative” contractions when lifting weights to get an enormous fitness effect.
- Body tracking devices like Moov and meditation guiding devices like Muse are the wave of the future.
- Real food, not restrictive diets, are just fine to eat – from clementines to quinoa, amaranth and millet soaked in butter and sea salt!
- Resources from this interview:,,, Up3 by Jawbone, Moov Fitness Tracker, MyGrowMinerals, Water Vitalizer, Astaxanthin Supplement (Superessentials is what Ben uses), PQQ/Ubiquinol

Dr. Peter Attia – How To Become A Fat Burning Machine
Big ideas from this session:
- It takes 1-3 months to become fully fat adapted, but when you do it, it allows you to do long workouts and get through the day while sparing your use of carbohydrates and glycogen.
- Once you’ve achieved a state of fat oxidation, you can “cheat” on carbs and still get yourself back into fat oxidation within 48-72 hours.
- “Bonking” during exercise is not necessarily a factor of running out of carbohydrates or glucose, and is probably instead because the brain fails to utilize glucose – and this can be fixed with adequate amino acids.
- Resources mentioned in the interview: Branched Chain Amino Acids by Biosteel- Magnesium supplementation, Electrolyte supplementation, Blood glucose monitor/blood ketone monitor

Dr. John Douillard – Hidden Secrets To Becoming A Better Breather
Big ideas from this session:
- You can train yourself to achieve a deep, meditative state of alpha brain wave activation, the zone and focused relaxation during exercise.
- Breathing through your nose during exercise is a key skill that you must learn to correctly activate your lung’s receptors to lower cortisol.
- The secret to decreasing pain and discomfort during exercise is to use proper breathing tactics to get the ideal combination of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system activation.
- Resources mentioned in this interview: John’s Body, Mind, Sport book, BreatheRight strips

Dr. Jack Kruse – Protecting Your Body From The Hazards Of Airline Travel
Big ideas from this session:
- Increasing use of technology/wifi on airplanes can cause much more damage to your body than airport X-rays.
- Communicable disease, blood clots and risk of catching a cold can be 100x higher when you are flying.
- From foods to supplements to biohacks, there are 17 things you can do to protect your body from the hazards airline travel.
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Jack’s book Epi-PaleoRx, Curcumin: 3-4g, Resveratrol: 100mg/hr, Ubiquinol: 400mg before, then 200mg/hr, Red Light Therapy, Melatonin Patch

Darryl Edwards – How To Play More And Exercise Less
Big ideas from this session:
- Include the PRIMALITY components of “Primality, Restorative, Integrative, Mindful, Adaptive, Life Enhancing, Instinctive Movement, Tactical, Youthful Exuberance”.
- By using the concepts of primal play, you can maintain levels of extreme strength and fitness without ever stepping foot into a gym.
- Play not only increases levels of fitness in a fun way but also causes a hormonal response that makes you both happier and smarter.
- Resources mentioned in this interview:, Paleo Fitness book

Steven Fowkes – Biohacking Your Brain
Big ideas from this session:
- Some of the best cognitive enhancing gear includes a good water filter, a HEPA filter with a negative ion generator and an infrared lamp.
- The biggest ways to destroy cognitive performance include gut inflammation, gluten, milk protein from commercial dairy and amino acids deficiencies.
- You can amplify your choline levels with foods such as walnuts, broccoli, cauliflower for choline, while also shutting down brain inflammation with foods such as coconut oil, cur cumin and fish oil.

Mark Sisson – The 3 Keys To Looking Good Naked
Big ideas from this session:
- You should lift heavy stuff 2-3x per week and you don’t even need to step foot in a gym to do it.
- Sprint for 15-60s 1-2x per week, allow yourself to fully recover in between each sprint and go beyond running to try things like cycling, elliptical, swimming, etc.
- A key to looking good naked is to avoid snacking and to instead turn yourself into a fat burning machine.
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Focal Upright, Primal Connection

Jeff Spencer – Top Recovery Tools: the Best Ways to Recover as Quickly as Possible
Big ideas from this session:
- The same strategies that work for a Tour de France cyclist can work for the traveling businessman and the busy soccer mom.
- You can stack injury recovery techniques such as heat, then topical, then electrical or laser or mechanical stimulation, and do it all outside for benefit of sunlight.
- The next “big thing” in recovery and injury prevention is to pay attention to your electrochemical gradients, and how the use of devices affects your cell’s ability to recover.

Hobie Call – How To Challenge Your Body And Mind
Big ideas from this session:
- If you want to do a race or an event, then push yourself to that same level in at least a few of your training sessions.
- A treadmill plus a weighted vest, with 1:3 or 1:4 work:rest ratios is a very difficult but highly effective way to become a tougher, faster runner.
- It’s OK to defy the norms of training – Hobie runs just 10 miles a week, but is still one of the fastest racers out there!
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Spartan Race website, Weighted vest

Jessa Greenfield – How To Enjoy Real Food (Without Spending Your Life In the Kitchen)
Big ideas from this session:
- Eating real food doesn’t mean spending long periods of time in the kitchen – and much of the techniques you can use from fermentation to slow food prep can be done without you even being there!
- One of the best ways to save time on eating real food is to batch your grocery shopping also batch your food prep into just one to two times during the week
- Learning how to use a crockpot is one of the best things a beginner can do.
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Chapter from Ben’s book: “The 21 Best Kitchen Tools, Grocery Shopping Guides, Cookbooks, Websites and Local Resources To Fuel Your Active Lifestyle.”, LocalHarvest.Org

Ameer Rosic – How To Protect And Enhance Your Sleep
Big ideas from this session:
- Start every day with some type of beverage that supports your mitochondria, such as apple cider vinegar, organic baking soda or minerals.
- Standing and moving during the day activates specific sleep pressure proteins that allow your pineal gland to produce melatonin at night.
- We all hear blue light is bad for you and your sleep, but blue light exposure can actually help you sleep when it’s done in the morning.

Doug McGuff – How To Build Strength & Cardio At The Same Time
Big ideas from this session:
- You can engage your anaerobic energy system to the extent that you can overload it with lactic acid and get an enormous cardiovascular effect – but you can do this with weights, not cardio!
- Within just 12-15 minutes of super-slow, controlled and intense strength training using 5 basic exercises, you can build strength and cardio at the same time.
- Lactic acid can actually be quite useful, and you can train your liver to actually take lactic acid and convert it into glucose to be a useable fuel source.
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Book: Body By Science

Jeff Hunt – How To Easily Track What’s Going On Inside Your Body
Big ideas from this session:
- There are 12 important things that you can pay attention to that will directly dictate knowing whether or not you’re getting the most out of your workouts, or are at risk for injury or illness.
- When you look at an isolated single variable, such as urine color, it can tell you a little bit about your state of recovery, but putting together a cluster of recovery factors is far more accurate and informative.
- Lack of recovery doesn’t just mean that you’re unable to workout hard – it also means you can lose your love of exercise and your passion for the sport you’re competing in!
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Restwise

Dr. Alejandro Junger – How To Fix Your Gut
Big ideas from this session:
- Most Western doctors test the gut the wrong way, and don’t actually measure the DNA of organisms in the gut, which is the gold standard for testing.
- Yeast and fungal overgrowth, bacterial overgrowth and parasites are three common and harmful gut issues that are commonly seen in the gut of civilized populations.
- When the conditions in your gut are not optimal, such as lack of good bacteria, too much starch and sugar, or an unhealthy diet, you will set yourself up for being “taken over” by gut invaders.
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Alejandro Junger’s Amazon page, GI Effects test by Genova

Shawn Talbott – How To Fix Your Adrenals
Big ideas from this session:
- Humans are not zebras who just run from a lion every now and then, and there is a big difference between acute stress and being stressed out.
- When cortisol levels are high, you shuttle resources away from producing testosterone, and adaptogenic herbs can be used to lower cortisol and increase available resources for other hormones.
- One of the best ways to test for your adrenal function is a simple salivary cortisol test at multiple times during the day.
- Resources mentioned in this interview: Shawn Talbott’s Amazon page, Recover-Ease, Tian-Chi Adaptogenic herbs, Relora, Adrenal Stress Index (ASI) test
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